Course Overview

1: Group Audience

In this module, you’ll go from treating all customers the same to having a basic understanding of how their audience groups differ from each other.

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2: Define Groups

In this module, you’ll take your basic audience groups and build them into profiles you can use to target specific groups.

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3: Analyse Motivations

This module will help you turn your profiles into insight and inspiration for engaging messaging and informed marketing channels.

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4: Map Clients

In module 4, you’ll make sure that you’ve covered all your bases and that no audience groups are missing by running some checks against your existing and potential audience groups.

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5: Prioritise Potentials

This module will help you move from speaking to your whole market to prioritising different audience groups based on sound business reasons for targeting with justification for a marketing budget.

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6: Assign Channels

Module 6 will take you from being unsure about WHERE to reach your audience groups to having all the ingredients for a marketing plan.

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7: Develop Messaging

Turn your insight into engaging marketing messaging that could be used in a range of marketing activities.

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8: Plan Marketing

In this module, you take all the ingredients you’ve gathered so far and turn them into an actionable, audience and business-driven marketing plan.

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8: Survey Audience

In this final module, you’ll take all the theories and assumptions you have about your audience and test them to provide feedback, testimonials and an enhanced understanding of your audience.

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Bonus: Marketing Positioning Matrix